Who We Are

Welcome To Corporate Merchant Solutions Our Origin Begins On Main Street. We Have Spoken To Thousands Of Business Owners, Listen To Their Concern’s Challenges, And Opportunities. We Have Developed A System That Eliminates Their Monthly Merchant Expense And Created An Innovative Patient Pending Solution That Allows The Business Owner The Ability To Fund Their Retirement Or Business Reserves With Every Debit Or Credit Card Swipe.

We Are A Group Of Visionaries, Fintech Entrepreneurs, And Merchant Bankers With A Plan To Build A National Merchant Services Company That Allows The Merchant To Save For Their Future With Every Debit Or Credit Card Swipe. We Are Corporate Merchant Solutions, Your Interest, Your Goals! Our Target.

Who We Are

Welcome to Corporate Merchant Solutions our origin begins on Main Street. We have spoken to thousands of business owners, listen to their concern’s challenges, and opportunities. We have developed a system that eliminates their monthly merchant expense and created an innovative patient pending solution that allows the business owner the ability to fund their retirement or business reserves with every debit or credit card swipe.

We are a group of Visionaries, Fintech Entrepreneurs, and Merchant Bankers with a plan to build a national merchant services company that allows the merchant to save for their future with every debit or credit card swipe.  We are Corporate Merchant Solutions, Your Interest, Your Goals! Our Target.

We take care of payment options, so you can run your business.
One Step Ahead

Our Beliefs at

Corporate Merchant Solutions Name Logo

our Belief at Corporate Merchant Solutions (CMS) is the Entrepreneurial Spirit and being able to accept payments anywhere, creates an opportunity to empower people and businesses to thrive in our great economy. Our digital payment platforms solutions give our merchants the confidence to connect and transact in new and powerful ways, whether they are online, on a mobile device, on an app, or in front of a customer, they can accept payments for their products or services. Through a combination of technological innovation and strategic partnerships, Corporate Merchant Solutions creates better ways to manage payment options by offering choice, flexibility, and the ability to save. We provide payment solutions to business which gives them the confidence to grow their business. We take care of payments, so you can run your business and take it to the next level.  

Meet The Management Team

John M. Gerena

Chairman of the Board

Albert Latorre


John Cameron

John Cameron

V.P. of Marketing

Vince Ketchum

Director of
Human Resources

Because we are your Business Advisor
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
We Take Care Of Payment Solutions, So You Can Run Your Business.​
Our team of industry expert business advisors will set you up with the solutions that best fit your business. Speak with a Corporate Merchant Solutions Business Advisor today.

How Can We Help?
Our Friendly Business Advisors can help you
by answering any questions.

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Corporate Merchant Solutions, Inc. gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, or the completeness of the information and materials contained in corporatemerchantsolutions.net or any site linked to it. Under no circumstances will Corporate Merchant Solutions be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for loss of profits, business interruption or loss of information) resulting or arising directly or indirectly from your use of or inability to use this website or any websites linked to it, or from your reliance on the information and material on this website, even if Corporate Merchant Solutions Inc has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance.